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Purdue Winer Memorial Lectures: New Perspectives on Human Problem Solving



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Purdue University

Symposium on Problem Solving (PRCE 277)

Saturday, Nov 8.

8:00 am Continental breakfast (prce 277)
8:45 am Welcome and Introduction: Rob Goldstone


9:00 Stellan Ohlsson
Structured Representation, Layered Processing, Memory Retrieval and Affordances: All the Stuff You Need to Get to Heuristic Search
9:30 Niels Taatgen
Minimal control: problem solving in the real world
10:00 Coffee

Education (1)

10:30 Miriam Bassok
Multiplication-format bias in algebraic modeling
11:00 Ulrike Stege
Recursive problem solving strategies
11:30 Ken Koedinger
What lurks beneath the surface: perceptual and conceptual prerequisites for the learning of complex problem solving
12:00 Lunch

Optimizations, constraints, and search (1)

1:30 Iris van Rooij
What makes a problem hard (or easy)? A computational perspective
2:00 Todd Wareham
On the Computational Complexity of Analogy-Based Models of Problem Solving: Implications and Opportunities
2:30 Tom Ormerod
Satisficing and optimizing in spatial problem-solving
3:00 Coffee

Decision making and causality

3:30 York Hagmayer
Causal reasoning in problem solving
4:00 Steven Sloman
Causality, decision making and problem solving
4:30 Laurel Evans
The Law of Large Numbers in Sampling-based Choice: Greater Sample Size Leads to Lower Decision Thresholds
5:00 Michael D. Lee
Heuristic models of human performance on bandit problems
7:00 Dinner


Sunday, Nov 9.

8:00 Continental breakfast (PRCE 277)


9:00 Guenther Knoblich
Should (insight) problem solving go neuro?
9:30 James N. MacGregor
Rebus, RAT and restructuring: Relationships among candidate insight problems

Education (2)

10:00 Bethany Rittle-Johnson
Mathematical problem solving: Establishing a bridge between cognitive science and education
10:30 Brian Ross
Human problem solving; Influences of memory and conceptual organization
11:00 David Landy
A perceptual-motor account of formal notational reasoning
11:30 Posters and coffee
1:00 Lunch

Optimizations, constraints, and search

2:30 Walter G. Kropatsch
How to find Good, Optimal and Robust TSP solutions?
3:00 Matthew Dry
Towards a hierarchical neighbor clustering model of human performance on the traveling salesperson problem.
3:30 Zygmunt Pizlo
Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem in two and three dimensions
4:00 Discussion
6:00 Dinner


Belenky, D.M., & Nokes, T.J.
Use of Metacognitive Prompts and Manipulatives Promotes Efficient and Innovative Learning.

Marc J Buehner
Causality and the perception of time

Joseph Catrambone
TSP in 3D

Yun Chu & Edward P. Chronicle
Lookahead and Feeling-of-Warmth in Insight Problem Solving

Coral J. Dando
Is cost-benefit analysis possible for complex cognition? The case of investigative interviewing.

Katherine Gunion
Curing Recursion Aversion

Percival Matthews
In Search of Transfer: Do Concrete Symbols Sometimes Make the Best Foundation?

Jennifer Wiley, Patrick Cushen & Andrew Jarosz
When three heads are better than one: Effects of collaboration and mixed expertise on effective problem solving.


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